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Regardless of your publishing goals, the quality of your work matters—no one wants to read a book that is riddled with typos and grammatical errors. Regardless of the book's content and message, simple errors in grammar and punctuation will cause the reading community to lose trust in it, however, even the best writers make occasional mistake. Your gift is to write, and ours is to help you polish your book.

We offer Core Editorial Services. Core editing services focus on improving the foundation of a book: grammar, spelling, punctuation, syntax and sentence structure. Our services include Copyediting and Line editing.



What's Copyediting?

The goal of copyediting is to address writing flaws on a technical level; corrects accidental errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and syntax in accordance with the industry standards. A copy editor ensures consistency, flags ambiguous or incorrect statements.



What's Line editing?

A line edit addresses the creative content, writing style and language use at the sentence and paragraph level.  A line edit may draw your attention to words or sentences that are extraneous or overused, run on sentences, redundancies from repeating the same information meaning in different ways, confusing narrative digressions and other items concerning the language you use to tell your story to your readers.


What's the difference?

Copyediting is the grammar and the punctuation while line editing is the prose. Our editors call this the vessel and the soul. The job of the line editor is to help you tell a better story, and the copyeditor is there to ensure that the grammar on every page is correct.

We pride ourselves in giving the best services to our authors. If your manuscript needs advanced editing, we know some folks who has the reputation of being the best at what they do and we are happy to recommend.

PLEASE NOTE:  Copyediting and Proof reading services are included in all of our publishing program.



Metadata is the backbone of the publishing industry, and we make it as the foundation of your book's discoverability. The data being sent to retailers is what drives the sales of your book. Without it, publishers can't sell books to retailers, readers can't efficiently find your books online, and sales suffer tremendously. Book metadata is the primary marketing and discovery mechanism for readers and retailers, and it's the lifeblood of the publishing industry.

Fifth Pillar Books. Simply your publishing partner
Author's Branding

Make no mistake, your strongest brand is your name. Ever wondered what make readers 'feverish' & race out to buy the latest book or new releases from authors such as J.K. Rowling? Two words: Author Branding. This is what distinguishes you from other authors in the market and identifies you and your work. Stand Out. Let your book take the spotlight.

​Marketing is the most misunderstood amongst the four main ingredients for a book's success. In many ways, the work done in marketing a book varies and goes into different levels. In general, publishers market upstream to booksellers and distributors who will be purchasing your books and you—the author focus on marketing downstream to your readers. Our marketing programs are anchored on assisted marketing.

Our packages are designed with the author's welfare in mind. With the advent of self-publishing and the ever- growing maze, traps, and puzzles of DIYs, we pride ourselves that you are always first and always guided with us. From curated publishing to assisted marketing, our packages are designed to offer authors the support, solutions, expertise, and tools they need to maximize their book's potential. Make your book a success story with us!

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