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Marketing is the most misunderstood amongst the four main ingredients for a book's success. In many ways, the work done in marketing a book varies and goes into different levels. In general, publishers market upstream to booksellers and distributors who will be purchasing the books, you—the author, must focus on marketing downstream to your fans and readers. This is a rare scenario in self-publishing, so rare that most books are not given enough attention, authors are not coached on the best methods to reach out to readers and books are enrolled in a generic but expensive marketing platform. Traditional publishing houses place premium and huge amount of investment in marketing their books. The planning and preparation are so extensive that teams are created to manage the marketing and author exposure.

It's never too late or too early to have a virtual assistant for authors collaborate with you, no matter what stage you are in.  Our virtual assistant for authors works with you to identify your market and define your audience, formulate your message and create strategies to maximize your book's exposure and build a campaign to sell more books. Assessment and online audit are done prior to the actual marketing of your book. It means we research your genre, audit your online presence, define your target market before the actual campaign. Fifth Pillar Books understands that for indie authors, affordable professional publicity is tough to find and it's quite complex to justify the return on investment. It's a long list and a variety of options to choose from, and there are no guarantees which publication, radio, or TV show will run a review or who will interview the author. And without a publicist to create the book marketing campaign, often it is done without pre-evaluation made to the book. Traditional publishers invest heavily in their publicity campaigns. In light of this, Fifth Pillar Books fashioned the virtual assistant for authors program to serve as an alternative to traditional publicist. These are fine folks who will help you set up, monitor and maintain your social media presence, draft blog post, implement SEO and even organize virtual book tours—you now have access to specialists and professionals trusted by publishers and authors.



PLEASE NOTE: A virtual assistant for authors (VAFA) is already assigned to your book project when you select the package option during the publishing stage. Please see list of  work items of VAFA included in your package.

imply Your Publishing Partner
Book Discoverability

Metadata is the backbone of the publishing industry, and we make it as the foundation of your book's discoverability. The data being sent to retailers is what drives the sales of your book. Without it, publishers can't sell books to retailers, readers can't efficiently find your books online, and sales suffer tremendously. Book metadata is the primary marketing and discovery mechanism for readers and retailers, and it's the lifeblood of the publishing industry.

Make no mistake, your strongest brand is your name. Ever wondered what make readers 'feverish' & race out to buy the latest book or new releases from authors such as J.K. Rowling? Two words: Author Branding. This is what distinguishes you from other authors in the market and identifies you and your work. Stand Out. Let your book take the spotlight.

Publicity Campaigns

Fifth Pillar Books understands that for an indie author, affordable professional publicity is tough to find and it's quite complex to justify the return on investment. In light of this, we have created the virtual assistant for authors program that serves as an alternative to a traditional publicist. Your VA will help you set up, monitor and maintain your social media presence, implement SEO, and even organize virtual book tours. What's best is to know that you are working with a virtual assistant who has years of trade & self-publishing experience. 

Fifth Pillar Books. Simply Your Publishing Partner.
Our Packages

Our packages are designed with the author's welfare in mind. With the advent of self-publishing, and the ever-growing maze, traps, and puzzles of DIYs. We pride ourselves that you are always first and always guided with us. From curated publishing to assisted marketing, our packages are designed to offer authors the support, solutions, expertise, and tools they need to maximize their book's potential. Make your book a success story with us!

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